Jun 11, 2019 | New Testament, Pastor Dan, Teachings, The Gospels |
The New Birth by Pastor Dan Esh | The Gospel of Jesus https://podcast.calvarycentral.org/gos-04-dan.mp3 Description: “What must a man do to be made right with God?” That is the question so many of the world’s religions try to answer. But the real...
Jun 4, 2019 | New Testament, Pastor Dan, Teachings, The Gospels |
The Wedding and the Temple by Pastor Dan Esh | The Gospel of Jesus https://podcast.calvarycentral.org/gos-03-dan.mp3 Description: “This beginning of signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and manifested His glory; and His disciples believed in Him.” John...
May 30, 2019 | New Testament, Pastor John, Teachings, The Gospels |
First Year and a Half of Ministry by Pastor John W. Brown | The Gospel of Jesus https://podcast.calvarycentral.org/gos-02-john.mp3 Description: In this study, Pastor John focuses on Jesus’s first year and a half of ministry, also known as “The Year of...
May 21, 2019 | New Testament, Pastor John, Teachings, The Gospels |
Birth to Ministry by Pastor John W. Brown | The Gospel of Jesus https://podcast.calvarycentral.org/gos-01-john.mp3 Description: In our first study of The Gospel of Jesus, Pastor John takes a look at the time period before the birth of Jesus up to the beginning of his...