Apr 21, 2021 | New Testament, Pastor John, Teachings, The Gospels |
Do You Believe the Lie? by Pastor John W. Brown | The Gospel of Jesus https://podcast.calvarycentral.org/gos-98-john.mp3 Description: The world has mastered the art of deception. Wall Street has mastered the art of prevarication and marketing teams around the world...
Apr 11, 2021 | New Testament, Pastor Dan, Teachings, The Gospels |
Costly Devotion by Pastor Dan Esh | The Gospel of Jesus https://podcast.calvarycentral.org/gos-97-dan.mp3 Description: In our continued study of the Gospel of Jesus, we see a stark contrast between the devotion of Mary, the pride of the Jewish leaders, and the...
Mar 28, 2021 | New Testament, Pastor John, Teachings, The Gospels |
Did I Do That? by Pastor John W. Brown | The Gospel of Jesus https://podcast.calvarycentral.org/gos-96-john.mp3 Description: “Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you do it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.”...
Mar 23, 2021 | New Testament, Pastor John, Teachings, The Gospels |
Foolishness Versus Wisdom by Pastor John W. Brown | The Gospel of Jesus https://podcast.calvarycentral.org/gos-95-john.mp3 Description: It appears that all of the ten Virgins had good intentions. They all took a lamp to meet the bridegroom – with oil already in...
Mar 14, 2021 | New Testament, Pastor Dan, Teachings, The Gospels |
A Life of Readiness by Pastor Dan Esh | The Gospel of Jesus https://podcast.calvarycentral.org/gos-94-dan.mp3 Description: The reality of Christ’s imminent return must remain at the forefront of our minds. We cannot lose sight of it if we want to make the most of our...
Mar 7, 2021 | New Testament, Pastor Dan, Teachings, The Gospels |
Every Eye Will See by Pastor Dan Esh | The Gospel of Jesus https://podcast.calvarycentral.org/gos-93-dan.mp3 Description: “Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because...