Feb 22, 2018 | 1 Peter, New Testament, Pastor John, Teachings |
Grow Baby Grow! by Pastor John W. Brown | 1 Peter 2:1-3 https://podcast.calvarycentral.org/1pe-02a-john.mp3 Description: As Christians who have received the grace of God for salvation, we should have a never-ending, upward desire to allow the Lord to mature us into...
Feb 15, 2018 | 1 Peter, New Testament, Pastor Dan, Teachings |
Just Passing Through by Pastor Dan Esh | 1 Peter 1 https://podcast.calvarycentral.org/1pe-01-dan.mp3 Description: How were so many in the early Christian church able to stand for Jesus in the face of intense persecution? They understood that this world was not their...
Feb 6, 2018 | James, New Testament, Pastor Dan, Teachings |
Who Do We Think We Are? by Pastor Dan Esh | James 04:11-5 https://podcast.calvarycentral.org/jam-04b-05-dan.mp3 Description: Pride is any estimation of ourselves or others that is not in line with God’s. How do we know if we have bought into a worldly way of...
Jan 30, 2018 | James, New Testament, Pastor John, Teachings |
God Resists the Proud by Pastor John W. Brown | James 04:01-10 https://podcast.calvarycentral.org/jam-04a-john.mp3 Description: In James chapter 4, James encourages believers to to resist the devil and our own selfish desires and draw near to the Lord. We must “cleans...
Jan 23, 2018 | James, New Testament, Pastor John, Teachings |
Sins of the Tongue by Pastor John W. Brown | James 03 https://podcast.calvarycentral.org/jam-03-john.mp3 Description: Someone who has mastered their tongue has mastered themselves. The human tongue is so small, but in many cases, the tongue controls the person instead...
Jan 16, 2018 | James, New Testament, Pastor Dan, Teachings |
Seeing Through New Eyes by Pastor Dan Esh | James 02 https://podcast.calvarycentral.org/jam-02-dan.mp3 Description: There is no room for prejudice in the body of Christ. The Christian who misses this, misses the heart of the gospel. Paul writes in Romans 2:11 “For...