May 13, 2016 | Acts, New Testament, Pastor John, Teachings |
INCONVENIENT DEVOTION by Pastor John W. Brown | Acts 21 Description: Devotion to Jesus and His will is seldom convenient. This poses a problem for a society that centers itself around convince. Paul knew that Jesus...
May 13, 2016 | Acts, New Testament, Pastor John, Teachings |
POLITICAL RELIGION by Pastor John W. Brown | Acts 22 Description: Being religious or even zealous for God is not the same as having a relationship with Jesus. The first step in building that relationship is responding...
May 13, 2016 | Acts, New Testament, Pastor Dan, Teachings |
ON THE DEFENSIVE by Pastor Dan Esh | Acts 23 Description: Instead of freely traveling through-out Asia-minor sharing the gospel, Paul is now in a position where he must defend the truth of the gospel before governors...
May 13, 2016 | Acts, New Testament, Pastor Dan, Teachings |
PAUL BEFORE FELIX by Pastor Dan Esh | Acts 24 Description: Paul’s obedience to the Holy Spirit had put him at odds with two of the most influential political powers of his time; the Roman Empire and the Jewish leaders....
May 13, 2016 | Acts, New Testament, Pastor John, Teachings |
PAUL BEFORE FESTUS by Pastor John W. Brown | Acts 25 Description: In Chapter 25 of Acts Paul continues his defense of the gospel before rulers and kings. We are reminded that when we are up against tremendous odds,...
May 13, 2016 | Acts, New Testament, Pastor John, Teachings |
PAUL BEFORE AGRIPPA by Pastor John W. Brown | Acts 26 Description: In Acts 26 Paul seems to have made a serious error by appealing to Caesar. If it hadn’t been for that “mistake” he would be a free man. In reality...