Mar 22, 2020 | New Testament, Pastor John, Teachings, The Gospels |
Faith In Difficult Times by Pastor John W. Brown | The Gospel of Jesus Description: Thomas Paine said, “These are the times that try men’s souls.” and although Tomas was talking about times of war,...
Mar 10, 2020 | New Testament, Pastor Dan, Teachings, The Gospels |
The Bread of Life, Part 2 by Pastor Dan Esh | The Gospel of Jesus Description: At this point in Jesus’s ministry, wherever He goes, He draws a crowd. But Jesus isn’t looking to simply draw a crowd though;...
Mar 3, 2020 | New Testament, Pastor Dan, Teachings, The Gospels |
The Bread of Life, Part 1 by Pastor Dan Esh | The Gospel of Jesus Description: At a time when the title of Christian is tossed around freely, what does it truly mean to be a follower of Jesus Christ? Download Outline:...
Feb 26, 2020 | New Testament, Pastor John, Teachings, The Gospels |
Why Do You Doubt? by Pastor John W. Brown | The Gospel of Jesus Description: In Matthew 14:22-33, Jesus continues to grow the faith of His disciples. Fear is the enemy of faith, but perfect love in the person of Jesus...
Feb 19, 2020 | New Testament, Pastor John, Teachings, The Gospels |
Feeding Five Thousand by Pastor John W. Brown | The Gospel of Jesus Description: In Matthew 14, Jesus continues to teach the disciples to trust in Him and not in their own abilities and resources. He presents them...
Feb 11, 2020 | New Testament, Pastor Dan, Teachings, The Gospels |
The Twelve Are Sent, and So Are You by Pastor Dan Esh | The Gospel of Jesus Description: To bear the image of Jesus is to share in the sufferings of Jesus. In Matthew 10, Jesus prepares His disciples for the hostility...