Anne Ross at Calvary Centraleric and annie navaDirector: Sunday Morning – Anne Ross

Director(s): Wednesday Evening – Annie & Eric Nava

The mission of the Children’s Ministry is to help each child develop a close relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. We place great value on developing strong, supportive relationships with the children in our care: showing them who Jesus is, that He loves them and desires to be a part of their lives. We strive to make the most of every opportunity by teaching God’s word as living, active and life-changing. It is our goal that our children not only hear and understand God’s word, but see that it is relevant to their lives. On Sunday mornings, Gospel Light and Calvary Kids curriculum are being utilized to help accomplish this goal. Wednesday nights are currently set up as a Bible Club (with emphasis on scripture memorization and reinforcement activities) through the school year and Vacation Bible School through the summer. From worship and teaching to games and crafts, everything is done with the intention of showing that God is real, His word is truth and we can have a relationship with Him.

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